
The manifesto is a series of essays on each topic. It is a work in progress, free on this site for now. When I finish the series, I will offer it as a short book.

The Coronavirus Primer

I wrote a five-part series about the coronavirus in 2020. I was concerned about all the misinformation and the way it was politically weaponized. This was my attempt to understand the pandemic objectively.

Part 1: Background

Part 2: SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19, and the Individual

Part 3: Epidemiology

Part 4: Coronavirus and Society

Part 5: So What Should We Do Now?

On Writing

Posts about the writing process

The Paradox of Self-Publication

My First Rejection Letter!


The Ape-Man that Never Was

Why do we Have Leap Year?

Understanding Gravitational Waves

O, Say Can You See?

Politics & Current Events

Love and Hate at the Olympics

What’s Happening in Ukraine?

US Diplomacy with Iran, Cuba

This Website Reminds us why Terrorists Attack in the West

We Need to Stop Terror, Not Just Terrorism

The Electoral College and Election Mathematics

Why We Celebrate the Beatles’ Golden Anniversary in America

Random Education or Edutainment

Historic Place Names Quiz

Logic Problems involving others’ minds