- abiogenesis
- Acheulean
- aerobic respiration
- anaerobic
- anaerobic respiration
- anatomically modern human
- animism
- anthropic principle
- anthropology
- arboreal
- archaea
- archaeology
- Archean
- atom
- Australopithecus
- basal
- Beringia
- big bang
- biped
- bonobo
- Pan paniscus
- pygmy chimpanzee
- dwarf chimpanzee
- brachiate
- bronze age
- canines
- carbohydrate
- caste
- catarrhine
- Cenozoic
- cerebellum
- chemistry
- chiefdom
- chiefdoms
- chordate
- chromosome
- civilization
- clade
- cortex
- cranium
- skullcap
- Cro-Magnon
- cultural adaptation
- culture
- cyanobacteria
- Denisovan
- Denisovans
- dimorphic
- early humans
- ecosystem
- egalitarianism
- electron
- empire
- enamel
- endosymbiosis
- eon
- epistemology
- epoch
- erect bipedalism
- erectus
- ergaster
- eukaryote
- evidence filtering
- evolutionary pressure
- exonym
- Fertile Crescent
- floresiensis
- forage
- fossil fuel
- fundamental particles
- gene
- gene flow
- gene pool
- generalist
- genome
- genus
- geography
- geology
- glossary
- glycolysis
- gracile
- Gulf Stream
- haplogroup
- heidelbergensis
- Holocene
- hominin
- Homo
- honing
- horizontal gene transfer
- incisors
- front teeth
- Industrial Revolution
- interglacial
- iron age
- Kenyanthropus
- knapping
- Levant
- light year
- light-year
- Linnaean
- logarithmic
- Lomekwian
- macromolecule
- macroscopic
- magic willpower
- Marine Isotope Stage
- maternal
- meiosis
- meme
- Mesoamerica
- Mesolithic
- epipaleolithic
- metabolism
- microbe
- Middle Stone Age
- Milankovitch Cycles
- Miocene
- mitochondria
- mitochondrial DNA
- molars
- molecule
- monophyletic clade
- Moore's Law
- multiregional
- mutation
- naledi
- nationalism
- natural religion
- Neanderthal
- Neogene
- Neolithic
- new stone age
- neuron
- neurotransmitter
- neutron
- Norte Chico
- nuclear DNA
- nuclear family
- nucleosynthesis
- obligate
- Oldowan
- Oligocene
- Olmec
- omnivore
- opisthokont
- organized religion
- orogeny
- Paleogene
- Paleolithic
- paleontology
- Paleozoic
- paternal
- pathogen
- patrilineal
- Phanerozoic
- photon
- photosynthesis
- phylogeny
- phylogeography
- phylum
- physics
- plasma
- Pleistocene
- Pliocene
- polity
- positive feedback
- potential energy
- prefrontal cortex
- prehensile
- primate
- primogeniture
- prokaryote
- proteobacteria
- Proterozoic
- protist
- Proto-Indo-European
- proton
- hydrogen nucleus
- quantum
- quantum physics
- quarks
- Quaternary
- radiation
- Renaissance
- robust
- savanna
- secret trillionaire fallacy
- space-time
- speciate
- spindle neuron
- von Economo neuron
- steppe
- Sunda
- Sundaland
- supernova
- taxon
- temperate
- terrestrial
- tetrapod
- the Enlightenment
- the Reformation
- theory of mind
- transistor
- Upper Paleolithic
- vertebrate
- woodland
- xenophobia
- Y chromosome